"A life-or-death struggle unfolds! On one side, the Dragon Keepers, Rangers who use the power of Dragon Gods to protect humanity! On the other side, The Villainous Army of Evil, invaders hellbent on world conquest!... Yeah right, what a farce. The outerspace invaders, beaten into submission in the first year of the war, have been turned into dancing fools. They exist solely to be defeated before the masses every Sunday! No longer can they even be called "villains," they live their days as slaves. But a lone invader won't stand for it any longer. He'll take on the invincible Rangers and tear down the system! The first (and perhaps last) "anti-Ranger" action series begins!"
Episode 1:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Episode 2:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Episode 3:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Episode 4:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Episode 5:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Episode 6:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Episode 7:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Episode 8:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Episode 9:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Episode 10:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Episode 11:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Episode 12 [END]:
GDrive: [1080P|720P|480P|360P]
Thank you min ...👍👍👍
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